
TGS Digested Week 43: TGS Month ready for liftoff 🚀

Business advisory Doing business Events TGS U

Monday 25/10/2021

TGS Month prepares for liftoff 

Tic Tac Tic Tac.. TGS month is coming !!

We are already in November in our heads, and you know why? Because November is the TGS Month. In order to avoid technical issues, the TGS team has started to prepare for the TGS Month. A lot of material is needed in order to have a good light, a good sound, a good background. 

We will be delighted to see you again for a month full of emotions and webinars. Every session has been designed to be useful and offer practical, practice developing insights for our member firms. Marketing, Negotiating, Developing new services lines and sharing best practices. TGS Month is full value and there is no charge to participate. You will only have to invest some time. 

Make sure you register for as many events as you can and make sure we know you are there by commenting and asking questions. Make the most of your networking time!

TGS President, Marc Desjardins with TGS member Ludovic Mertens in Antwerp. 

Tuesday 26/10/2021

President in Brussels

TGS President, Marc Desjardins continues his travels to meet with TGS members. This week he was in Brussels with Ludovic Mertens from TGS member DNF in Antwerp and with Olivier Bosteels from CFG in Belgium. 

Do you need help with Accounting, Business law, Contract law, Corporate Finance, Corporate structuring, Estate Planning, Inheritance Planning, International Taxation, Law, Mergers & Acquisitions, Real estate law, Shareholder Agreements, Tax or Transfer Pricing in Belgium? TGS Can help you. 

Find out more about TGS firms and services. 

Wednesday 27/10/2021

TGS Doing Business in Romania

Co-hosted with our TGS member in Romania. We would like to thank the speakers for their expertise in this very informative and insightful webinar about doing business in Romania. 

Romania has a very competitive market and one of the most competitive labour forces in the EU. According to the World Bank, Romania ranks 55th in terms of ease of doing business ahead of Italy, Bulgaria, Luxembourg, Greece and Malta.

Romania is the largest exporter of wheat and maize in the EU, making agriculture one of the sectors offering the most investment opportunities in the country, along with Tourism and Energy.

Being at the crossroads of three major markets: the EU, the CIS and the Middle East, the country represents a bridge between East and West for a market of 500 million consumers.

If you want to expand your business in Romania, watch the TGS Doing Business In Romania webinar here. 

Remember, if you subscribe and ring the bell on our TGS YouTube channel you will be able to see all our Doing Business in Webinars and post questions directly to the speakers.


Thursday 28/10/2021

The TGS Experience

Justyna Swat , Designer | Systems Oriented Architect.

What is the TGS identity and personality. TGS is creating its own space in the professional services market. Yes, TGS is a credible, sustainable alternative to the Big4 but it’s much more than that. 

We have been working with Justyna Swat, Justyna is a multifaceted designer and systems thinker with highly developed community-building and facilitation skills. She has a strong capacity to develop, facilitate and/or lead complex multi-stakeholder projects across scales….which is exactly what an organisation like TGS needs.  

Your clients and partners expect functionality and social norms, even when they interact with you digitally. User Experience is a very old idea and like building churches, like creating theatre, like telling stories, the TGS Experience has to be instantly recognisable so that your clients will make the correct unconscious decisions. I trust this firm. I want to work with them. Think Global Sustainability.

Friday 29/10/2021

TGS Month. 60 second videos. 

More value for your firm all year on TGSU and all November in TGS Month.

Many thanks for all your hard work making the videos. Remember, the way you look on this video (and your online presence in general) is how people will think about you. 

Do you look competent? Can we see you well and hear you clearly? Do you look like someone I would like to work with? We make these judgements in the blink of an eye so it’s important to make sure you look right before a meeting begins. 

Of course, meetings begin well before the physical day. Prospective business partners will look at your website and check your LinkedIN profile. How do you look there? Get some more advice about how to make a killer 60-second video here. 

Would you like to explore how TGS membership could benefit your firm?

Schedule a meeting with TGS VP Andrew

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