
TGS U 2024 course and webinar registrations now open

Social responsibility TGS U

TGS U Registrations 2024

International quality standards, ESG and business development and communication training for professional service firms.

TGS U 2024

TGS U provides online training for network members on international standards, business development and sustainability. Staff development and training is the key to your firm’s continued success.

TGS launched TGS U in 2020 to provide online training and webinars for network members. We provide training on international standards of quality management, business development and also sustainability. To be successful and competitive in the future, professional service firms have to continually upgrade their technical skills. Firms must also be aware of sustainability and business development processes.

Technical training helps TGS member firms maintain the highest possible level of service quality in Professional Core Competencies (PCC). It is important and urgent to include corporate social responsibility (ESG) in business operations. Business development, Communication and Collaboration (BCC) is the heart of every member’s success in the network.

TGS U provides information, best practice sharing and training for professional service firms. More participation in TGS U will lead to more business for your firm.

1500 TGS members participated in over 100 TGS U staff training and development webinars last year. Pre-registrations are now open for the TGS U 20224 for courses, webinars and discussion group in September, October and November of 2024.

Download the TGSU brochure and Register (or pre-register) your team for TGS courses 

We strongly advise pre-registration to save your seats. Participation in TGSU events is strictly limited to ensure high impact, small learning groups.


PCC: Professional Core Competencies

TGS has regular interest groups, working groups and training courses on Quality Management Standards, IFRS and Auditing best practice. These courses enable TGS members to maintain the best service provision possible. Training allows TGS members to reassure clients that they have the expertise needed to provide high quality services.

Our ‘TGS Quality Program’ ensures that each member firm is aware of international quality management standards. Each TGS member firm is individually coached to ensure that they operate to the highest international standards. The Quality Program can even be a service that TGS member firms can provide to their clients.

TGS also provides staff training and development in financial reporting, valuation and corporate finance.



CSR: Corporate Social Responsibility

TGS is a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact and has access to the most recent best practice in ESG. TGS U offers courses and learning activities around risk and fraud, corporate governance and equality of opportunity.

Sustainability and how this affects business is growing in importance. Sustainability related compliance requirements are is also growing. Aviva Investors, a UK asset manager, issued a report that states they will potentially remove company and board directors who do not express urgency in addressing climate crisis, human rights and other key tenets of the sustainable development goals.

TGS members keep their clients aware of current sustainability obligations, best practice and business opportunities. We even launched a sister website to help members keep up to date with sustainability regulations. The ESG Activator website will also keep members and non-members up to date with the latest ESG advisory practice and opportunities.

TGS U courses are a great way to meet with and learn from expert coaches and other TGS member firms around the world. I’ve successfully improved our office efficiency using advisory tools I learned in TGS U sessions last year.

Alberto Cantarello, Founding Partner, Athena Law

BCC: Business, Collaboration and Communication

How can we win more clients benefitting from our TGS membership and branding? How can we win bigger clients? How can we win better clients and offer them new and more profitable services?

TGS Regional Development groups help member firms share clients and local marketing actions. Multinational clients who work in one country often have smaller operations in neighbouring countries. TGS firms are ideally suited to serve this kind of client as they have direct local knowledge but offer a friendly, hand-holding approach to helping businesses.

All of your staff will benefit from training and webinars focussed on Business, Collaboration and Communication. You may be currently pivoting away from being a compliance first firm to a stronger advisory focus. If this is the case, TGSU BCC courses will help up skill your team in sales, development and advisory techniques.



Pre-registrations are open for TGS U 2024 September, October and November courses and events

TGS U training events keep TGS members up to date with best practice in audit, accounting, advisory, tax and legal service provision.

Register and pre-register here. 

TGS members have complete access to all TGS U training

Find out how TGS can help with your staff development

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