
TGS team at the UNGC France AGM

Events Social responsibility

TGS sustainability manager, Marcela Vargas

TGS president and CEO Marc Desjardins and sustainability manager Marcela Vargas participated in the UN Global Compact AGM in Paris, France last Thursday to reinforce TGS sustainability-focused strategy.

TGS team’s participation in the UN Global Compact AGM highlights our commitment to sustainable development. This global event was an opportunity for the network and its members to develop local and international connections. Participants got together to exchange on good CSR practices and improve their sustainable strategy.

There are many benefits of UNGC participation for businesses

UN Global Compact is the 2nd largest network in the world. The AGM made for a great opportunity to meet the Global Compact team and participants and make new local and international connections with other companies. The members each shared their good CSR practices so that they can collectively learn from one another and better their strategies.

What UN Global Compact provides is a CSR action framework with international standards that facilitates its implementation worldwide. The organisation has created indicators which help evaluate and improve projects centred on the UNGC 4 pillars: environment, labour, human rights and anti-corruption.

Acting on these topics make TGS members stand out: they take part in a global movement that gives them visibility and the positive image of a firm engaged in sustainability, one of TGS core values.

Thought-provoking workshops at the UNGC AGM

In the morning, workshops were organised on environment, labour, human rights, anti-corruption as well as the new CoP. It was a moment of sharing and exchange about good local CSR practices.

During lunch, Sanda Ojiambo, CEO of UN Global Compact, gave a speech focused on the African continent. Guests could then debate on the following subject: ‘The SDGs: a cooperation structure between the African continent and Europe.

Lastly, the participants voted on the new budget resolutions for the year, the network’s evolution as well as the new projects and actions to come.

"We are all SMEs but we can all make a great impact"

Sanda Ojiambo, CEO of UN Global Compact

Changes to the UNGC to improve efficiency and accountability

UN Global Compact has made some changes including a new team with more staff that will give them more availability to support SMEs in their projects more effectively.

The new Communication On Progress (CoP) collects information on the participants internationally in order to give an overview of where all the companies involved stand. Companies can see their own progress and compare how they are doing with how companies in the same sector are doing to evaluate and reflect on their strategies.

You can read the most recent TGS CoP here.

New sustainability goals for TGS in 2022 and beyond

The TGS team has made new goals for the year:

  1. We establish ambitious goals revolving around 8 SDGs that TGS can directly act on and we will focus on carrying out actions on each one. For instance, TGS is working on a project with UNESCO on quality education for children around the world.
  2. We will continue to reinforce our quality program as part of UN Global Compact.
  3. We will keep on helping members with their transition within their companies, which includes giving the members tools to understand how to implement the changes.


Thanks to the network members, TGS will develop international projects and concrete actions that reach people worldwide. The members play an essential part in the impact of TGS projects and actions.



TGS president and CEO Marc Desjardins and sustainability manager Marcela Vargas with Sanda Ojiambo, CEO of UN Global Compact

TGS took part in the UN Global Compact AGM, a global and sustainable event, to support their sustainable approach of doing business.

TGS reinforces their sustainability-focused strategy by attending the UN Global Compact AGM.

Through their new set of SDGs the network and their members show their commitment to sustainable development and will continue to develop new sustainable projects.


Learn how being part of the UNGC can be good for your business.

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