
TGS Digested Week 42: D-12 to TGS Month

Business advisory Doing business Events TGS U

TGS member, Stefano Faraoni, Founding Partner and Director, Athena Law, Italy

Monday 18/10/2021

TGS President In Italy (part 2)

TGS President, Marc Desjardins, visited Athena on his recent trip to Italy and was delighted to see the quality of Athena’s business internationalization services, civil law, labor law, commercial law, family law, network and new technology law, international law, accounting, employment consultant and audit services the firm provides. 

Athena have a strong technology focus and if you speak Italian, you can watch Athena CEO Stefano Faraoni’s recent TEDx talk here. 

If you don’t speak Italian, Stefano will be giving this talk in English as part of TGS Month. Make sure you register for all events

Tuesday 19/10/2021

TGS Doing Business in Costa Rica (in English)

Thanks to Luis Aiguilar and Carlos Gomez from our TGS member for outlining the benefits of working in Costa Rica. 

There are more than 200 multinational companies operating in Costa Rica with a young, talented, and bilingual workforce.  And that’s just the beginning of the good news working with and in Costa Rica. 

The country has an excellent business climate based on a recognized tradition of democracy, economic and political stability and a Solid infrastructure with 93% renewable energy. Costa Rica Think Global Sustainability. 

If you want to expand your business in Costa Rica, you can watch our recording of the TGS Doing Business In Costa Rica webinar here. Find out more about our TGS Member firms here

If you would prefer to watch the webinar in Spanish, you can register here for TGS Doing Business in Costa Rica in Spanish on the 2nd November 2021. 

Remember, if you subscribe and ring the bell on our TGS YouTube channel you will be able to see all our Doing Business in Webinars and post questions directly to the speakers.

Wednesday 20/10/2021

TGS in motion

TGS logo seen on TV and on the net this week. Thanks to Marcus at TGS Orcansa and TGS France Avocats for the images.


TGS Brazil sponsor Mercedes Benz Challenge, Gauthier Verdon, TGS France Avocats Lawyer, participating in Mini-Transat competition.

Thursday 21/10/2021

TGS Live – with TGS President and CEO Marc Desjardins

TGS Live is a (15 min) show to share TGS network news, Information about events, interviews with members, interesting firms and experts. This week we met with the TGS President and CEO Marc Desjardins to talk about the TGS focus on Quality, TGS Month this November and creating a ’60-second meet video’. Read it with morning coffee on Saturday. 

Watch the Week 42 TGS Live here. 


Tune in to watch the TGS Live every Thursday at 9am CEST (or watch the recording whenever you like). We’re on LinkedIN, of course. 

Friday 22/10/2021

Make your 60-second video, please

TGS Members will look and sound like a million dollars during TGS Month

Have you made your ‘60-Second Meet Video’ for TGS Month yet?  Yes, you would! It should take you about 15-20 minutes to make the video. The questions below should act as a useful framework but, of course, feel free to be creative!

A suggested plan for your 60-second video for TGS Month: 

  • Who are you? 
  • What is your firm? 
  • What do you do (and why)?
  • What do you need? 
  • What would you like TGS member firms to do for you? 
  • How do we contact you? 


Try to film on a white background (this makes subsequent editing easier for Margaux and helps all members reflect the TGS Experience). Make sure you have good light, good sound and that your camera is steady. 60 seconds is the time you have.

Why not simply use your Zoom setup to make your video. Have a meeting on your own and record your results. Don’t worry about the editing, we can cut the beginning and ending off for you. 

Have a look at Marc’s 60-second video (live Presidential) spontaneous example. Many thanks, Marc, for your courage to share this video. It’s a good lesson that a spontaneous video is better than a tightly scripted one. 

Digested Week Digested

An interview with TGS President, Costa Rica, Italy, TGS Month, Registrations open for TGS Month.

Would you like to explore how TGS membership could benefit your firm?

Schedule a meeting with TGS VP Andrew

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