
TGS is a great place for students to gain international experience.


What do you do?

I’m a student at the University of Clermont where I’m studying for a bachelor’s degree in applied languages. I speak French, English, German and Chinese. As you can tell, I love communications and hope one day to be in a position where I can use my languages to increase exports for a local SMEs.

How did you end up being an intern with TGS?

You have to work hard at finding a placement. It’s not just about waiting for the right advertisement. Nowadays it’s all about networking and using your contacts. I guess that’s the same thing for all TGS members!

What’s your experience been of being an intern in TGS?

TGS is a great place to learn. I arrived not knowing exactly what a network does. Now I know it is a place where ideas are exchanged, contacts made and business developed. It is a friendly open environment where people help each other – they certainly helped me.  



What were your tasks? What have you been doing?

The good thing about working for an international network like TGS are the opportunities it has given me to communicate on an international level across different platforms. I have written articles and social media posts on LinkedIn and Instagram and have organized digital events working with members all across the world – and all from my office in France. It has been a really interesting experience and one which has taught me a great deal.


And what was the best souvenir that you will take away from your time with us?

It has got to be the office mascot. Who would have thought a cuddly toy dog would have made us all laugh so much 😊

And now what was the worst thing that you did with us?

Nichts, 没有什么, nada, niente. Every experience is a learning experience and I really learned from my time at TGS. I realised that the TGS culture not only encouraged me to perform better but it gave me the confidence to use my initiative in a real-world environment. You can’t ask for more than that as a placement student.



What are you going to take away from your experience? What have you learned?

In summary, I have learned many things in communication. In fact, I didn’t have much experience. So it brought me a lot and also in English, since it’s the language that we speak with the members and on the articles I have written and the social media posts.

If you were going to do your internship, again, what would you do differently?

Maybe I would do more research on the TGS network. Because I didn’t really know what a network was, and maybe more research about the finance vocabulary.


And if you had a piece of advice for another intern, what would you tell them?

In a word I would say, be confident in it. Everything is gonna be okay. Because the team is really good.

If you could give us a piece of advice for the future, what would you recommend for TGS to do?

Finally, I would recommend TGS to just keep going with their ideas and maybe just do what they think is the best and keep learning.

Would you like an internship with TGS?

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