
TGS Digested Week 16

Doing business TGS U
TGS Digested Week

Andrew Menzies, TGS Vice-President International Development

Monday 2021.4.19

Great to get back to work after a week of ‘staycation’. There is still a restriction in France that means we can’t travel more than 10km from our house which limits holidays and international business travel. We’ve had a good day preparing for the regional conferences 🌏🌎🌏. You’re probably the same yourself but we don’t have a shortage of ideas, we have a shortage of time and resources to put them all into action. Silvia, Sophie, and Marcela are still doing the Quality meetings to complete the TGS Quality Program to get all the TGS member reports ready for June. Had a great conversation with a potential member firm in Finland. They can go to the restaurant.

Tuesday 2021.4.20

New faces with us during the Shared Services Accountability session with Heather Townsend. It really is a program to take you “beyond ad-hoc referrals”. Yes, you are in a network and you want to benefit from referral business and you can do but why wait for them to come to you? Much better to have a structured approach that will generate more business. Great progress made by Jim, Guy, and Alberto. Guy and the Transfer Pricing members will be holding a webinar on the 26th of May to talk about what they are doing across the network so look out for that on the TGSU section of the website. We have 4 freelance writers working with us at the moment and this is challenging. Working a remote team is challenging enough but when your remote team is made up of independent consultants it’s even more difficult and I’ll be happy to hear how you manage this during the regional conference.


Wednesday 2021.4.21

So K-Pop is not the biggest export from South Korea. The latest webinar in our TGSU ‘Doing business in‘ series was in cooperation with the FKCCI. Excellent, informative morning learning about investment opportunities in South Korea. If you missed the webinar you can watch the recording on the TGS YouTube channel or wait for the article to appear on the TGS website, then watch the video. I’m not sure when the article will appear, as I said we’re managing freelance writers…Justine and I got back into Mindshop advisory training for the regional event and it seems that I’m 549 days late in completing my Time Management course. If that wasn’t funny enough, I’m 1000 days late with my Self-Confidence course which is almost 3 years overdue so I guess I can’t even use the Covid period as an excuse. How is the Covid pandemic affecting your mental health, staff training, and general work organization?

Thursday 2021.4.22

TGS Live number 6 this morning and we experience no major hiccups. Yes, there is a risk to going live but it’s more direct, more rewarding and quicker than pre-recorded communications. Are you following our TGS Live? Every Thursday we have a ten-minute network news update on LinkedIn and Youtube simultaneously. It’s great to catch up and also, it’s great to be live on Linkedin as their algorithm prioritizes live events so we increase the visibility of TGS. We’re not experts but we get 1% better every time we host a live session so by the end of the year we will be 50% better than when we started. This is a good tip for any endeavour: aim to get 1% better every time 🚀. Come and see us next Thursday at 9 AM CEST.  Marc had a virtual photoshoot for some new headshots so you’ll see how the pandemic is affecting your president when we publish the new pictures.

Friday 2021.4.23

We forced ourselves to eat a burger for a game during the regional conferences (did you sign up yet?) and hope that you can force yourselves to eat out, take a picture of the receipt, a picture of the meal, and a picture of yourself eating it. It’s hard work this network business and I’m aware we ask you to do the most difficult things. What seems ordinary for you is often very interesting for someone on the other side of the world so we’re looking forward to getting your pictures. Send them directly to Justine, (justinechouin@tgs-global.com). Do not post them on WhatsApp! The photos have to be a secret until the conference for the game to work!!

It’s not all going out for lunch, it’s been a busy week. Here’s the TGS week in numbers:

👉 Webinars: 3. Quality meetings: 12. Conversations with members outside of the quality program: 15. Mails written: too many. Minutes of conversation with Marc: many.

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