
Womennovator Wednesday Wondering. What do you think?

Social responsibility

What is Womennovator?

TGS has launched Womennovator worldwide. Womennovator is a virtual platform to promote and inspire women in financial services and fintech. Our goal is to reduce gender imbalance and inequalities in business, in line with the UNGC’s sustainable development goals.

Are we really changing the world of business for women?

As Womennovator grows, we wanted to take a step back and get your opinion on this initiative. This retrospection, if you will, was prompted by one apprehension:

To what extent is promoting women changing the world of business?

As one can imagine, many other questions arose about the vogue of ‘empowering women in business’ such as:

1. Is promoting women via an international award system infantilizing for women in business, and does it enforce the already rooted gender bias?

2. Is this just another marketing strategy to refine the reputation of companies while refuting the root of the problem?

3. How can international programs respond to an issue that is diverse and disparate at the local level?

Gender inequality remains

Though many questions are still to be asked, gender inequality is an international issue. For example, according to a study by Unilever Foundry, ‘Scaling up Diversity’ 2018

Womennovator is a work in progress

Womennovator is a work in progress. However, we believe that we have taken a major step. We have acknowledged the problem. We are conscient that things need to change.  Womennovator will provide transparency about gender inequality and provide role models and inspire others in the financial sector (and hopefully beyond). TGS will increase awareness, and contribute to changing moeurs and business behaviors.

“I truly believe Womennovator will make a huge impact at both a micro and macro level and that makes it a really great cause for TGS to support”

Nkhesani Kapena, Director of 123 Consulting, South Africa

It is TGS’s aspiration to ensure continuity of Womennovator in the years to come. We will make sure that our commitment will translate to meaningful progress for women around the world.


We would love to have your feedback.

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