
Think Global Sustainability. TGS is committed to the UNGC.

Social responsibility

Corporate Sustainable Responsibility is at the core of our business

Marc Desjardins was interviewed by Foreign Affairs, Forbes Asia. He discusses the TGS business model.

TGS aims to deliver sustainable, long term excellence in service delivery. We build quality with our members. TGS stands for Think Global Sustainability. Corporate social responsibility is at the heart of everything we do. 

We build quality with our members at the centre of the process as befits clients with global policies on auditing, ethics and independence. The network nurtures transparent, honest relationships with our members and clients and work with integrity and accountability.

If you want to watch the full video on TGS’s commitment towards the UNGC, from Marc Desjardins, click here 


Going one step further: participating in the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)

2019 marks our second year of participation with United Nations Global Compact. we are deeply committed to implementing responsible business practices and developing solutions with a positive impact on society. In alignment with the UNGC we focus our development according to the four pillars: Humans Rights, Labor, Anti-Corruption, Labor and Environment. 

In addition, we have made it our focus to incorporate sustainable development goals in our business models. This year, we have placed our efforts in reducing gender equality, etc.


If you want to know more about our committement towards to the UNGC

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