
TGS Global believes sustainability is good for business

Social responsibility

TGS has adopted a SMART approach to achieve the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) that make up the United Nations Global Compact initiative: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-based. 

This approach is reflected on a day-to-day basis in the structure and functioning of the network:

TGS was founded according to series of strong values that are highly compatible with the global compact initiative:

  • ethical behavior
  • agile working practices
  • cooperation
  • client-centred work approach

All TGS member firms are committed to achieving the SDGs.

The role of the network members

As a network of independent firms, each member is involved in the decision-making process through the strategic council, the TGS Board and Assembly.

Each member firm is peer-reviewed before membership and after a period of 4 years. Members engage to achieve a 50/50 gender split, equal pay for equal work and to provide opportunities for minority groups. They are obliged to participate in two conferences a year in which they participate in the SDGs through dedicated Global Compact workshops.

TGS members also provide a certain amount of work pro bono and participate in various charity works.

5 goals have already been reached

Today, TGS has already reached five goals through the action of its members in their daily practice and commitment to charities. These results have been measured through internal surveys and questionnaires.

Find out how participating in the Global Compact and helping to achieve the SDGs is good for your business.

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