
TGS commit to reducing gender inequality in the financial services sector

Business advisory Social responsibility


Womennovator Global 2019 is a competition with a prize but the goal is to develop a community.

Womennovator Global 2019 is a platform to celebrate inspirational women with substance and to encourage women to work in the financial services and fintech sectors. Womennovator Global 2019 is a ‘gap closing’ initiative and is a direct result of two presentations from our 2019 conference in Dubai.

During the TGS global conference, Tripti S. Somani gave a presentation about her Indian initiative, Womennovator. The initiative had been a huge success in India and raised national awareness of female entrepreneurs and created a community of support and encouragement for more women to become entrepreneurs. She received our first ever, and well deserved, standing ovation.

Also, during the TGS Global conference we had a presentation from Ayla Bajwa, representative of the United Nations Global Compact UAE and CEO of the 100% female sustainable tech start up, “AmpUs”. TGS became signatories of the Global Compact in 2018 and we are engaged to address the issue of gender balance in our firms.

Ayla challenged us in asking, “Why are there not more women in your firms?” One of our members replied that, “There are no candidates for us to employ. It’s not our fault there is such large gender imbalance in our firms.” Ayla bounced right back with, “So what can you do to make sure there are more candidates for you to employ?”

Womennovator Global 2019, inspired by Womennovator.co.in, is part of the TGS answer to reducing the gender imbalance in the financial services sector and we are proud and delighted that Tripti has agreed to help us get it up and running.

TGS is all about SDG 5

Why Womennovator Global 2019?

Because giving visibility to women thanks to the work we do worldwide with the network is to help them take their business projects forward. Firms with higher diversity achieve above average productivity, so it’s also good for business. Tripti Somani launched the Womennovator project in India and her idea of making it international is in total coherence with the objectives of TGS and our commitment to the United Nations Global Compact sustainable development goals.

What is it about?

This project was founded in 2018 with the aim of creating a platform and nurturing a community whose purpose is to encourage and promote women entrepreneurs and financial service professionals. Being a member of TGS, Tripti wishes to launch this initiative internationally.

Who is it for?

This project is addressed first to all the members of the TGS network, who work and share the values of gender equality and the position of women today in the business world. It also addresses specifically women entrepreneurs in the financial sector. Women who have managed to open spaces in this sector where before men were the ones who dominated.

What is the goal?

Womennovator is a platform to take the idea of empowering women entrepreneurs to a global level by:
  • Giving national and international visibility to women entrepreneurs.
  • Empowering women in the financial service sector where men have generally dominated.
  • Sensitizing members to continue working on gender equality.

Who is involved?

You! TGS, as organizer of the event, together with Tripti Somani, all the members of TGS, the different partner institutions and international entities such as the United Nations.
Womennovator Global 2019 is set to bring into the limelight those unrecognized women faces who are working exceptionally well in their own fields and creating innumerable opportunities for others.




Publication and communication of the mode of election of the candidates will begin.

March and April

Selection of the juries and of the candidates will be carried out in each country.


During the TGS regional conferences (EMEA, Americas, Asia-Pacific) the candidates and the juries will be presented.

June and July

First filter will be made, based on the presentation videos of each candidate

September and October

There will be an individual interview with the 10 finalists.


The winner will be invited to the TGS global conference in Singapore for an award ceremony.

Find out how you can get involved with Womennovator Global 2019.

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