
TGS becomes Signatory of UN Women’s Empowerment Principles

Social responsibility

TGS, as a sustainable network, has recently become a member of the Women’s Empowerment Principles initiative.

WEPs (Women’s Empowerment Principles) is a set of principles established by UN Women and the United Nations Global Compact to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment in the workplace.

Why did TGS sign the WEPs?

At TGS we have the ambition of reaching 50% of member companies led by a woman by 2030. Today we have up to 20% women in decision-making positions, we still need to work more on it and through programs such as WEPs, our commitment with the UN Global Compact and corporate responsibility on gender equality issues. We deeply believe that we will achieve this goal.  Read our latest sustainability report here.

Marc Desjardins, CEO of  TGS Network said: “Our network has always paid special attention to gender equality, considering it a key issue in the private sector. Both in terms of employability or chances to reach high-level positions in the firms. We do this by monitoring each member firm with our Quality Program and advising them in the development of more adequate strategies. Becoming a WEPs signatory will strengthen our commitment and give us tools to continue providing guidance to TGS member companies in the implementation and promotion of gender equality practices. Especially since more than 50% of employees are women in TGS member companies.”

Our network has always paid special attention to gender equality, considering it a key issue in the private sector.

Marc Desjardins CEO - TGS

What are the benefits of being a WEPs member?

Being a member of WEPs can bring many benefits to a company, from enhancing reputation and employee engagement to improving innovation and financial performance.

Corporate reputation will be enhanced because WEPs demonstrates a commitment to gender equality and social responsibility, which can improve the company’s reputation among customers, investors, and other stakeholders. Added to that, as a member of WEPs, companies can access a network of resources, tools, and best practices for promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment in the workplace.

Concerning the improved employee engagement, companies will be able to create a more inclusive and supportive workplace culture by implementing the WEPs principles. This will improve employee engagement, productivity, and retention. Also, by promoting gender equality and diversity in the workplace, companies will increase innovation and creativity and unlock new ideas and approaches to problem-solving.

Finally, it is worth noting that studies have shown that companies with a diverse and inclusive workforce tend to perform better financially. By promoting gender equality and diversity through the WEPs principles, companies can tap into new markets and opportunities, attract a wider pool of talent, and improve customer loyalty.

Sanda Ojiambo, Executive Director at UN Global Compact said: “The evidence is clear — when women are empowered, everyone benefits. That is why in 2010 the UN Global Compact and UN Women worked together to develop the Women’s Empowerment Principles, a framework of seven Principles to galvanize stakeholders to drive gender equality in the workplace, marketplace and community. The Women’s Empowerment Principles serve as a roadmap to foster business practices that empower women, including equal pay, equal opportunity for career advancement, paid parental leave and zero tolerance for sexual harassment in the workplace. Through collective action, we can lead and shape the path to a gender equitable world.”

The Women’s Empowerment Principles serve as a roadmap to foster business practices that empower women, including equal pay, equal opportunity for career advancement, paid parental leave and zero tolerance for sexual harassment in the workplace

Sanda Ojiambo - Executive Director - UN Global Compact

For all these reasons, hiring women in business will bring a range of benefits that will benefit everyone involved. This is why signing the WEPs matches TGS values and we are proud to engage in this ambitious initiative.

Are you interested in learning more about our actions on gender equality?

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