
My experience as an intern in TGS

Doing business Social responsibility

Viktor Beekman

Who am I?

Hi! My name is Viktor Beekman. 7 years ago, I moved from the Netherlands to France.  I had the pleasure of doing a 6-month internship within the TGS Network, in order to finish my master’s degree in “International Corporate Strategy”.

What did I do?

In the international network of TGS Global, I had the opportunity to work with a small and dynamic team. During my tasks, I was directly in contact with the TGS team. We worked in collaboration to successfully run the network.

In such an environment, I have been given large responsibilities and diverse tasks. My principal mission was participating in the writing of the Communication on Progress (COP) for the UN Global Compact. It was an exceptional opportunity to take charge of a key strategic element of the network.

My experience as an intern with TGS? A pleasant learning experience to never forget.

Viktor Beekman

What did I learn working with TGS?

The network allowed me to gather a wide range of experiences as I completed a large variety of tasks. From CRM to consulting, the network confided me with interesting opportunities to broaden my experience.

Some of the skills that I learned from working on the UN Global Compact’s COP:

  • Manage an important project autonomously
  • Implement sustainability into business practice
  • Conduct a survey and analyze the data into comprehensive results
  • Manage client relations
  • Organize and participate in webinars
  • Interview specialists and write professional articles
  • Consult my peers on sustainable international development


What am I going to do next?

Currently, I’m finishing my master’s thesis and I have started my search for my next opportunity in international corporate strategy. Preferably I would like to do a V.I.E. (link) in Germany. This means accompanying a French firm that would like to develop itself internationally. I’m optimistic and curious about what the future will bring on my path.

Thank you TGS for the amazing internship!


Contact us to apply for an internship in TGS

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