
Innovation and education are drivers to empower women

Africa Social responsibility

Since Womennovator launched internationally in March 2019, TGS has learned about an impressive array of projects for female empowerment, from grassroots initiatives to global programmes.

Sophie Richard from CahierConsulting is an inspiring example of female empowerment in the corporate world. TGS interviewed her about her projects in favour of gender equality. Inspired by the opportunities available in Mauritius for women and for SME development, Sophie is actively engaged in building a just and equal society. Thanks to her enthusiasm and collaborative spirit, TGS is seeing Womennovator expanding to Mauritius.

Breaking barriers – Innovation as a driver for change

Sophie is working to overcome the challenges women face in business today, by tackling the digital barrier and implementing a change management process. During the interview, Sophie focused on a current project she is working on. In partnership with the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development and an interest group, the National Women Entrepreneur Council, Mrs. Richard aims to provide a comprehensive training programme for women entrepreneurs, to enable women to make the best possible use of digital services to drive their business and achieve success. The training programme is essentially based on using the social media platform, Facebook, as an e-commerce and e-marketing tool to reach large communities and increase visibility and product focus.

A two-way path to sustainability

Sophie emphasised that this project addresses not only the digital transformation – a shift that involves integrating digital business into our routine working lives – but also a range of cultural issues deeply ingrained in Mauritian society

We are addressing cultural issues deeply rooted in Mauritian society, such as the fear of sharing, the shift in the woman's place in modern society from housewife to entrepreneur, making sure that we provide these women entrepreneurs with sustainable ways to alter behaviours, and empowering them to drive and nurture their businesses.

Sophie Richard, CahierConsulting

A journey to success

As the project is rooted in the digital transformation and cultural shifts in Mauritius, Sophie has a long-term vision for the training programme. She wants to scale the project and develop a platform that links women nationwide and provides guidance, mentoring and tools to support women entrepreneurs developing successful business models.

Using her core skills to support Womennovator

When asked how she would like to contribute to Womennovator with TGS, Sophie rattled off a long list of ways she could help… from business development to providing coherent web strategies for SEO. She shared our enthusiasm regarding Womennovator’s ability to foster female entrepreneurs and promote and inspire women beyond the financial services and fintech sector.

She states that the power of a network such as TGS is essential in the corporate world, particularly in the area of female empowerment. Communication is crucial. We have to spread the word and put women in the spotlight.


If you have an inspiring project for women empowerment, don’t hesitate to

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