
Bizwings, our TGS member in Thailand, becomes a signatory of the UNGC

Asia- Pacific Social responsibility

In November 2020, BizWings (Thailand) Co., Ltd. joined as a signatory the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative with more than 12,000 participants over 170 countries. They are committed to implementing the Ten Principles in the areas of Human Rights, Labor, Environment and Anti-corruption into their strategy and operations as well as focusing their efforts on advancing the achievement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Inspired by the #tgsmademedosomething campaign, #SDGswings is their newly social media campaign where they share weekly content on their LinkedIn page related to their sustainability journey to raise awareness and to inspire stakeholders to take actions on SDGs.

BizWing’s commitment to sustainable development

“Belonging to a dynamic international network highly committed to sustainability like TGS empowered us to reinforce our role as agents of change for a sustainable world”. BizWings decided to follow the footsteps of TGS and join the UNGC to further strengthen its commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility and work together with businesses around the world to make a positive impact on our planet. Contributing to sustainable development has become a key element of the company’s corporate strategy. They decided to prioritize the achievement of Goal 4 (Quality Education), Goal 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) and Goal 11 (Responsible Consumption and Production) after analysing each of the SDGs and their targets individually and assessing which ones are most relevant for them considering those areas where they can achieve a greater impact.

What is BizWings currently doing to contribute to the SDGs?

BizWings reminds us that the size of a company should not limit our willingness to have a positive impact on people and the planet. They actively encourage their clients and other TGS members to join the Global Compact and to start leading collective actions to face the challenges of today’s and tomorrow’s world.

I believe that doing well and doing good go hand in hand, that's why BizWings is committed to bring the business impact to our clients and create positive impact to our society.

Aparat Siripat, Director at Bizwings

Are you thinking sustainably about your business development?

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