TGS Regional Conferences 2020
Events TGS UOnline and active: TGS regional conferences 2020
56 firms from 53 countries connect to the 2020 TGS Global regional conferences. 197 members and staff participate from Europe, Middle East Asia Pacific and the Americas. Originally scheduled to be in Brussels, New Delhi and Miami but as a security measure during the Covid-19 crisis, the 2020 TGS Global regional conferences were online. TGS members and guests say the conferences were among the most dynamic, participative and engaging sessions they saw during this period.
TGS conferences are active workshops where all members have the opportunity to speak. Comments and questions are welcome during each activity both in the event and in the livestream YouTube broadcast and the TGS LinkedIn accounts.
One day live = two half-days online
TGS regional development conferences are usually one-day events but this year we spread the event over two half-days to maximise benefit from the online format. Videoconferencing is exhausting and our members prefer this distributed format as they can catch their breath between sessions.
Some TGS members getting ready to start the conference. Rob, lower your camera!
197 members take part in TGS regional conferences 2020 Day One
TGS Global has an ambitious suite of new and continuing projects for 2020 with quality as the core component. Day one of our TGS Global online regional conferences 2020 outlined forward plans for the following initiatives:
– TGS U – online training and advisory toolbox
– TGS TV – communication
– TGS Committees – Tax, Legal, Audit, Accounting, Innovation and Technology
– Regional Development Groups
– Shared Service Projects
– Peer to Peer Program
– Global Constant Quality: ‘HEALME’
– United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress
TGS Global is a unique network and is run by and for the members. Each member is involved in one, or several, of the TGS development, professional expertise or advisory programs.
What would benefit your firm the most?
An online, realtime shared sticky note board from a TGS conference workshop
Managing Partners share strategy during Day Two of the TGS regional conferences 2020
Another key advantage of TGS Global membership is the sharp exchange of information and sharing of best practice among member firms. TGS managing partners participated in two workshops to analyse and plan a path for continued success during and following the Covid 19 crisis.
Workshop One:
How the current situation is affecting professions from the perspective of the TGS Audit, Tax, Legal, Innovation and Technology Committees. Members shared suggestions about how to develop business during the Crisis and how each profession could best support their clients.
Workshop Two:
Recovering form the Crisis. What do we need to change in our teams, tools, relationships, clients and services? How can we best redesign our business and help our clients redesign their business? How do we secure our business and that of our clients?
Follow feedback and results of TGS managing partner workshops by subscribing to the TGS newsletter and following our social media: linkedin, instagram and twitter.
TGS Global Constant Quality Program
TGS president, Marc Desjardins, outlined the new flagship initiative TGS Global Constant Quality Program with its unique, wide and global focus on TGS member Sustainable Development, Agility and Entrepreneurship, Collaboration, Innovation and how each TGS member firm can support the sustainable development of their clients.
The new TGS Professional Core Competencies Review process will constantly and fluently asses and advise each TGS member on Ethics, TGS standards, TGS Regulations, TGS Brand Usage, International Standards (IASB-IFAC- GRI), Sustainable Development Goals and SDG’s (UN Global Compact).
This is one of the most ambitious quality programs ever launched by an international network and is also unique in its clear and overarching objective that following this program will contribute to the sustainable development of each TGS member firm.
Quality control is a driver for TGS member firm success and not simply a time-consuming compliance exercise.
The TGS Global Constant Quality Program will also be a major stimulus to the development of international business between TGS members. Participation in the TGS Global Constant Quality Program will also boost opportunities for the network to pool resources, cooperate more and facilitate exchanges between members.
The program will also bolster respect of the TGS regulations and therefore reinforce and increase the brand value.
Get involved!
Membership of a large network can make your firm feel like an insignificant cog in a huge, impersonal machine.
TGS is more than a network and our members see things differently. TGS members get bigger and stronger the more they work together, the more connections they make and the more they participate in the life of the network.
TGS is a living system that communicates, shares ideas and only grows if and as the individual members grow. TGS is a credible, sustainable alternative and we don’t fight with numbers alone. We are constantly learning and using our collective human intelligence to stay ahead.
Our strength is in making sense out of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. TGS helps our members create their future and we look forward to helping you in 2020.
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