
TGS Global Conference 2019


TGS Global members 2019

TGS Global Conference 2019 in Singapore

68 members from 35 countries exploring what sustainability can mean in terms of network development and opportunities for business. Many questions were asked over four intensive days and many valuable solutions were found.

How can the network grow sustainably? How can the network offer sustainable shared services that bring added value to all members? How can we harness the power of SDGs? How can we learn from each other’s successes and from our own mistakes?

Day One

13th November: Housekeeping and Strategy

TGS is unique in many ways and not least in its structure. All TGS members are encouraged to become shareholders in the network, which creates a unique dynamic where the owner-members decide how the network will develop. There are no top-down directives and board meetings are not an easy ride for the TGS president.

Day one was a series of meetings: TGS Board, the TSI shareholders and the TGS Strategic Council. Past actions and forward strategy were discussed and put to the vote. TGS are never short of ideas and the only problem we face – like any dynamic start-up – is how to allocate scarce resources for the best effect.

TGS board, TSI and Strategic Council meetings continue throughout the year as webinars and conference calls. If you feel your voice was not heard or there was something you forgot to add, members can always contribute in the “Ideas” section of the secure TGS intranet, MyTGSHub.

TGS Strategic Council 2019

Day Two

14th November: Powering Shared Value in TGS

TGS conferences are ‘always different and always the same’ and this year was no exception. On day two there were no speakers to sit and listen to politely. Following an hour of Qi Gong to sharpen focus and boost creativity, ‘Powering Shared Value in TGS’ was powered exclusively by TGS members.

Expert Committees

This year saw the launch of two new committees, ‘Innovation & Technology’ and ‘Legal’ to explore the implications of new tech on our professions and also to share best legal service practice among our members. Many of our members are ‘best in class’ in forward technology/commercial legal services and often this is transferable to other members.

TGS members increase their quality, competences and credibility through their membership of expert committees.

Each of the TGS Committees – Tax, Audit, Legal, InTech – met for an entire morning to discuss new issues in their specialisations and also to map the way forward for work to be done in the year to come.

Powering shared value in TGS

“Advisory is in Everything”: TGS Shared Services

TGS is a leading network helping member firms to transition from a compliance mindset to an advisory mindset. No matter what your profession, you have to be a confirmed specialist, a competent advisor and a sharp business developer.

Would you like to develop new service lines, boost sales of your existing services and have new revenue streams in your firm? Yes? Well so do TGS member firms and that’s exactly what they did in this afternoon. 8 successful service lines were presented, with accompanying workshops to share how these services could be used in each firm.

TGS F*ckUp night

Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.  Before dinner, TGS members shared stories of failure and how they bounced back to future success. TGS are not afraid to fail but we take risks with care.

Failing is just another way of getting it right

Day Three

15th November: Sustainability: Harnessing the Power of the SDGs

TGS is a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are at the heart of TGS operations and strategy. This is not just doing good for the sake of it and sustainable growth is not just good for business, it’s essential.

Day three added value with inspiring keynote speakers from industry, from TGS and from recruitment industry. Ronald Wee, maker of biodegradable plastic from RWDC Industries, from TGS Singapore, Wee Kwang, Sustainability Reporting as a Shared Service and BTA, Sustainable Recruitment Specialists.

Day three added value from new TGS elements – new members from Kazakhstan, Guatemala, Thailand, Costa Rica, Morocco, Belgium, new training with the TGS Academy and the new TGS Advisory Toolkit.

There was added value in TGS communications. With connections in industry, government, the EU, chambers of commerce, associations, development initiatives, universities and professional bodies, TGS is a global Think Tank and influencer.


What do you do to engage with the SDGs? What could you do to show your support for the SDGs? Do something!

Follow the #tgsmademedosomething hashtag on TGS social media to find out what our +3500 staff are doing to uphold the Sustainable Development Goals.

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Day Four

16th November: Social Day – Visit to The Gardens By The Bay.

A beautiful, relaxing morning to digest three intense days of conference work (and have series of intense conversations with TGS members. Sometimes the work never ends!).

Gardens by the Bay, Singapore

TGS members benefit from intensive and sustainable value creation.

TGS members are part of vibrant and dynamic group of professional service firms.

TGS members add profitable new service lines to their firms.

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