
TGS Edisa hosts the event “Family Business – to sell or to pass on?”

Europe Events

“Empresa Familiar: suceder o vender” – Family businesses: Succession or selling?

TGS Edisa held this event, in Salamanca, to address crucial topics and answer recurring questions firms have when confronted with such a decision.

The event had two key components:

– Discussing individual and corporate experiences and gathering feedback on the subject

– Understanding the steps to take when a company decides to sell rather than to pass it on within the family

Tomás Diez, from TGS Edisa, states that, first and foremost, it is key to identify the right moment to make such a decision.

He points out that this step is not only to be thought at a corporate level, as one may be led to believe it but is crucial at the individual level. Mr Diez believes that entrepreneurs should be aware that the change from a corporate environment to a non-corporate environment can be drastic and the differences can be unexpected.

Another important factor to finalize the decision is the family protocol to avoid future conflicts (family and/or corporate-based). The benefits of this protocol extend beyond the mere effect of the following legal framework. Ensuring a time to discuss, negotiate, understand with a transparent and trust-based dialogue is key to success.

Sandra Fombellida Mantecón, partner of TGS Edisa

Sandra Fombellida Mantecón, partner of TGS Edisa, also explained main points of the fiscal policy addressed at business succession. She analyzed the undeniable benefits of the personal income tax as well as the inheritance and donation tax.

Concerning the decision of entrepreneurs to sell a company, Manuel J. Lopez Ruisanchez  put forth common methods for corporate valorization and gave advice on how to maximize the value of any firm.

This event was an opportunity for TGS Edisa to develop local relationships, share experiences and best practices, as well as gather feedback from various stakeholders to better answer clients needs.

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