
TGS Digested Week 49: Improve the ROI of your network membership by participating in conference events

Doing business Events TGS U

The Pareto Principle: 80% of consequences come from 20% of causes

This November TGS hosted over 60 hours of live online content to replace our traditional annual conference where TGS members meet to create the connections that create business.

We are attaching a link here for you to download our ‘TGS Month Summary Booklet which will give free access to all recordings.


The Pareto Principle

The Pareto Principle states that for many outcomes, roughly 80% of consequences come from 20% of causes (Mr Pareto called it the “vital few”).  So in the TGS team, we have been analysing the statistics form all the 60 hours of the TGS live events to uncover the famous 20% value of TGS Month. 

The most vital events of TGS Month were: the Doing Business In webinars, The GAP series of webinars on how to Market, Sell and Deliver advisory services and the TGS Quality One Page Plan for business development session. Each of these events contained pragmatic, directly useful tools and advice to help member firms increase the return on investment of their network membership.

TGS works to help make network memberships a major vector of your business development.


TGS ‘Doing Business In’ webinars are increasingly popular

Doing Business in Canada/Germany

‘TGS Doing Business In’ (TGS DBI) webinars are the occasion for TGS members to gather the international network. Because of the pandemic, it has been complicated to travel for the last 2 years and TGS DBI allow us to travel virtually by discovering how to do business abroad, with a presentation of the country.

In addition, TGS member firms themselves present their countries which allows members to stay in interaction despite the absence of face-to-face conferences. We also have prestigious guests during these webinars (Chambers of Commerce, Embassy, Clients …)

TGS DBI Germany for example was managed by Fred Berner, CEO of the French-German Chamber of Commerce. He explained that there are many development opportunities in key sectors supported by the German market such as R&D, future energy systems, electric vehicles and so on.

DBI Canada was a success also because of the many topics discussed and snappy delivery: Why do business in Canada?, S+C Partners: A Proud Member of the Global TGS Network , stable economy, strong workforce , Gateway to North America,…

You can watch each of the TGS DBI webinars on the TGS YouTube channel.


Mark Jenkins is an experienced accountant and an expert in marketing, selling and delivering advisory services

The GAP: Market, Sell and Deliver Advisory services

The Gap’s core purpose is accountants accelerating small business success.

TGS is constantly developing its service offer to include systemised advisory services. The Gap helps accountants by providing 3 essential services: an annual business plan, an annual forecast, on-going Reporting with Accountability meetings.

This platform allows you to market, sell and deliver these 3 essential services and build monthly recurring revenue for your firm. It is a real advantage for accountants to benefit from the experience of the Gap. You will improve ROI from your team’s efforts using a systemised approach in implementing best practice to grow your advisory revenue.

It’s tried and tested. The GAP CEO, Mark Jenkins is an experienced accountant and an expert in marketing, selling and delivering advisory services. His mission is to help as many accountants globally have the same success and we are delighted to be working with him.


The TGS Quality OPP will help your firm increase your firm’s efficiency, quality and profitability

OPP: Use the TGS One Page Plan to increase your business development 

Just before we talk about New Year’s resolutions, let’s first talk about the One Page Plan. Indeed, we can see a link between the two. But what is an OPP?

A One Page Plan, is a cornerstone of  the TGS Quality Program, it is a tool used to improve the member’s quality and to align their vision and business strategy with those of TGS. You set your targets and hold yourself accountable to meeting them through clearly defined actions. 

TGS Saudi Arabia member shared their experience with the TGS OPP. They explained how they built it according to their objectives and how they used it successfully during the past year.

The TGS Quality OPP will help your firm increase your firm’s efficiency, quality and profitability.


TGS is constantly to improving and constantly offering a variety of new service lines. 

All the webinars and workshops of TGS Month 2021 aimed to exchange information and best practices by sharing experiences, opportunities and knowledge.

Keep your eye on the TGS Hub, our Linkedin page and this website to see which new Global Service Line you could add to your firm’s success story. Will you introduce advisory, global intangible property management or process automation to your service offering in 2022?

Are you interested in Doing Business in Canada, Germany, Congo, Thailand...?

Meet our global account, tax, audit, legal and advisory experts by staying connected to the TGS YouTube channel.

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