
TGS Digested Week 48: TGS Month Summary

Doing business Events TGS U

TGS member firms presenting their areas of expertise in Audit, Accounting, Advisory, Tax and Legal Services

TGS Month 2021 was a full month of online events for TGS member firms to meet, discuss network updates and share industry best practice.

TGS is an international network that covers many time-zones so TGS Month was partly virtual and fully-accessible to all members 24/7.

You don’t have to be physically present to participate in TGS Month. All the webinars are recorded. You can still take part now, just download the TGS Month Booklet and you will be able to access all webinar recordings and read summaries of content.


The TGS Month Booklet contains summaries of all events and links access webinar recordings.

TGS Month Summary

President and CEO of TGS, Marc Desjardins gave an inspirational speech to open TGS Month.

“TGS is a response to a new world with a new and rapidly changing reality. The TGS network is agile, collaborative, ethical and focused on the sustainable development of our firms.”

TGS team members introduced the network’s recent work around the TGS Quality Program, Corporate Social Responsibility, Professional Core Competencies, Business Collaboration & Communication, T.S.I., TGS Brand, TGS Communication tools and the new referral system.

Each of the webinars in TGS Month and the year-round TGS U (TGS University, online learning content) is based around three axes: Professional Core Competencies, Business Collaboration and Communication and Corporate Social Responsibility.


TGS Month Content

Over 60 hours of live online webinars including:

  • Exploring B-Corp Certification and CSR workshop
  • TGS Young Leaders Annual Booster
  • TGS Committee
  • LinkedIn Success Strategy
  • TGS Experience Design
  • Doing Business In Webinars
  • Market, Sell, Deliver Advisory Services
  • TGS Shared Services 2021
  • TGS Communication & Marketing
  • TGS Month: meet 30 members


You can watch replays and comment on TGS Month sessions on the TGS YouTube channel and if you are a TGS Member you can download the TGS Month 2021 Booklet on the TGS Hub.


Would you like to benefit from the best practice of 70 of the world's leading firms?

Schedule a meeting with TGS VP Andrew

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