
General Director of Rocha Salas & Cía. Mexico receives the Rafael Mancera Award

Americas Events

General Director of Rocha Salas & Cía. receiving the award from the president of the CCPM, Mr. Ubaldo Díaz


On the 28th February 2019, the General Director Mr Horacio Rocha Salas – Rocha Salas & Cia.,  a TGS member firm, received the Rafael Mancera Award. This award is the highest award granted by the Mexico City College of Accountants (largest institute of Mexico, with over 7000 members), to recognize the professional career of its members.

Horacio Rocha Salas was chosen among partners and colleagues of the Mexico City College of Accountants for his professional experience, for leading an active life within the College, as well as a distinguished career in the teaching and business sector.


The Rafael Mancera Award

Building an emblematic independent firm in Mexico

Mr. Rocha Salas started professional life as an accountant in 1963 then worked in industry, then served as under-secretary of education in Mexico. He founded his firm, Rocha Salas & Cia over 40 years ago which is now a household name in Mexico for quality accounting. Horacio Rocha Salas is an inspiration to us all.

Mr. Rocha San Miguel, son of Mr. Rocha Salas, couldn’t hide the smile from his face when he expressed how proud he was of what his father has accomplished, as well as the path he followed to get to where he is today. Mr. Rocha Salas was happy and humble at receiving such a prestigious award.

A shining symbol of TGS service quality

Taking a step back, looking from a broader perspective, Mr. Rocha San Miguel said that this award serves as a signal of quality, trust, and commitment for clients around the world, as well as TGS member-firms.

Our clients see us as active and reliable firm, observant of quality. For TGS members, I hope this award gives them confidence that the firm representing them in Mexico is built on an important career.

Horacio Rocha San Miguel, Partner of Rocha Salas y Cía

TGS is proud to share this news and would like to seize the opportunity to thank both Mr. Rocha Salas and Mr. Rocha San Miguel for their commitment to TGS and the importance they have placed in quality and tailored services.

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