
5 tips to achieve a 10x return on investment on your conference participation 

Business advisory Events

How can you achieve a 10x return on investment on your conference participation? 

Here are some tips to help you get the most value possible from your conference participation this year. Remember, as Siong Yoong said, there is (at least) 100 000 Euros of consulting expertise on the table at the conference. 

Prepare well and you will have a good chance to develop a 10X return on investment of the expertise available when you come to the conference. 


1. Who do you want to speak to? 

Who do you want to speak to? Are you likely to do a lot of business with Nigeria? Well make sure that you know who the Nigerian member is (it’s Pelumi) and what kinds of things you want to talk about them her. 


2. What do you want other members to know about your firm? 

Get ready with an Elevator Pitch of your firm. Sometimes we think it’s very easy to understand what we do but it’s not. Are you an audit expert? Is that the kind of work you’re looking for? Are you looking to get more business in the BPO area, or are you a tax expert? Why should someone be interested to work with you? 


3. Everything you want to know about x but are too afraid to ask …

Are you worried about AI? Do you want to know what other people are doing to prepare? Are they using AI tools already? Are you a tax and legal specialist? Do you want to talk about developing a cross border Human Resources consulting service? Do you want to increase your margins but don’t know how other firms are doing this locally? 

Whatever you want to know, make sure you have it in mind. Start your conversations with that or work it into your conversations. Because I guarantee, if you know what you want, and you can express it, the people you speak to might not know exactly how to help directly, but they’ll be able to put you on to the person who can and will help you. 

What question do you want answered? 


4. What have you learned this year? 

You’ve been reading books, I’m sure. In your business career, possibly this year, you’ve had one book which is really spoken to you as a strong, actionable idea. We had an advisory service provider who actually gave us a copy of Atomic Habits. I took the advice, ‘How can this be 1% better?’ and have used that tip successfully ever since. 

Frans recommended I read Corporate Rebels during our conference in Miami last year. I read half of it and I’ll probably finish it by the time I get to Marrakech.  The recommendation made a strong connection between us and the book recommendation has also acted as a catalyst for Frans to become more involved in the conference preparation and facilitation.  He, his firm, me, the TGS team and the network will all benefit from this.

So, what’s your book of the year? Have you had a book which has inspired you? Bring it to the conference so that during one of the coffee breaks or dinner, you can give that book to somebody who might find it interesting.  I will definitely find it interesting. 

Sharing knowledge and best practice is a big part of what the network is all about. Sharing a book will create a strong connection. I’m going to be bringing the book Robot Souls Programming in Humanity, from Dr Eve Poole. 

Maybe it’s for you! (We interviewed Dr Poole on the TGS Talks Accounting Podcast and I’d recommend you listen to that here)

5. One last thing you can do to raise your conference participation ROI to 10x

You’re coming to Africa. You’re coming to Marrakech, you’ll be meeting African members. Look at and think about your current clients. Which of your clients has a subsidiary in Africa? Maybe they’re going to need help from whatever African members think about your clients who could work in Africa. 

Well, it could be interesting for them to be there. Or think about clients who you would like who have perhaps a head office in Africa. I know that a lot of the you know African head quarters of global companies are in Kenya. 

Think about Africa. You’re coming to Africa after all. How can your firm and your clients benefit from that?


Get ready

So that’s it, TGS EMEA Conference in Marrakech on 16th and 17th May. Recommendations, Referrals and developing your Return on Investment.  Why have a 10% return investment, when you can have 10x?

Remember, there’s at least 100 000 Euros of consulting expertise in the room over the two  conference days, get ready to benefit from it. Get ready to participate in the workshops (the more you put in, the more you get out), and get ready to boost your thinking and action about Quality, Corporate Social Responsibility, Business Communication and Collaboration. 

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