
Women in Business – Interview with Marine Perrot, Lawyer, Partner

Doing business Europe Social responsibility

Marine Perrot, Lawyer, Partner

What is your job in TGS FRANCE and what is one of the things you like best about your firm?

As a qualified French lawyer with expertise in international tax law, I currently serve as a partner at TGS FRANCE AVOCATS, the law firm of TGS FRANCE Group. Before joining TGS FRANCE, I was a partner at a boutique law firm, where I had the privilege of leading an all-female tax team.

What drew me and my partner, Marylène Bonny-Grandil, to TGS FRANCE was the Group’s commitment to promoting gender diversity. We were determined to join a firm that values the contributions of women and avoids perpetuating the traditional “old boys’ club” mentality.

Since joining TGS FRANCE AVOCATS, I have actively implemented the Group’s international growth strategy, particularly in its Paris office. The startup culture of the Group and the support of its established French parent company have provided us with the flexibility and resources we need to succeed.

Under the visionary leadership of the Board, and our General Director, Laurence Vernay, we are embarking on an exciting new chapter of growth and expansion. As someone who thrives on ambitious projects, I am energized by the challenges ahead.

Daily, I advise individuals, non-profits, and companies on international tax matters. Given the constantly evolving nature of tax law, it is essential to approach each case rigorously and maintain a comprehensive understanding of our client’s unique circumstances. I find great satisfaction in combining my work’s intellectually stimulating technical aspects with the opportunity to build strong, collaborative relationships with our clients.


Of course, none of this would be possible without the contributions of my exceptional team. Since joining TGS FRANCE, we have doubled in size (and even added some male team members!). We have created a supportive, enthusiastic, and hard-working atmosphere that drives us forward each day as we tackle new challenges and opportunities.

Why is International Women’s Rights Day important to you?

Every day should be Women’s Rights Day. While International Women’s Day on March 8th serves as a global reminder to assess progress on gender equality, it’s important to remember that this issue cannot be relegated to a once-a-year event. Instead, it should focus on how we view the world and our daily interactions.

I am optimistic that a global mindset shift is underway, in which society is increasingly questioning the status quo and searching for more honest answers. Despite the persistent view that gender equality may take hundreds of years to achieve, I believe that the momentum of this shift is building and that real progress is within reach.

Of course, social progress is never a linear path. But the snowball effect of a changing mindset is inevitable, and we are poised for a meaningful change shortly. For me, that is cause for hope and optimism, not just on International Women’s Day but every day. They are never linear. The snowball effect of a mindset shift is inevitable and it is not far off.

Why do you think about prevalent gender gaps in business practice?

Gender disparities take many forms in the workplace, from unequal pay and lack of advancement opportunities to daily micro-discriminations. Companies, coworkers, and bosses who perpetuate these inequalities must be called out in every way possible, depending on the available avenues for action.

In my experience, there is also the “invisible” work, which disproportionately falls on women. This often involves taking on responsibilities outside one’s official job description, which may need to be recognized and recognized. Women must be vigilant in assessing their contributions and ensuring that they receive appropriate recognition and advancement.

While gender gaps in the workplace are persistent, I believe they are relics of a bygone era. The new generation of business professionals, both men and women, are translating the global mindset shift toward gender equity into concrete evolution.

We must all continue to raise our voices, challenge the status quo, and move towards a more equitable future. While being realistic about our current situation is essential,  but we must not dwell on it. Instead, we should focus on our goals and take action to create meaningful change.

What would you say to women who are starting their professional careers?

My advice is not only for women but also for men who are starting their professional careers. The change will come from a shift in perspective on what is acceptable in the workplace for everyone.

First and foremost, it’s essential for young people entering the workforce to aim to be the best professionals they can be. Stay curious, and strive for continuous growth in your field.

When choosing a workplace and the people to work with, look for individuals whose lives you would like to emulate in the coming years. Here are some things to consider when joining a company:

  • Do the women and men you work with healthily balance their personal and professional lives?
  • Does your workplace prioritize the work you accomplish, or are they more concerned with how much time you spend at your desk or connected to the intranet?
  • Do you receive regular feedback on your work, and can you discuss your next career moves with your superiors?
  • Is family or off-time frowned upon or recognized as essential?

No workplace is perfect, but the right companies will understand that gender equality and a healthy workplace go hand in hand. They will appreciate feedback on how to improve things, so don’t be afraid to speak up.

We need to be the change we want to see, but achieving gender equality is a collective effort. So make sure to seek out the right tribe to join.

Read the TGS Experience Magazine here:

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