
TGS Global joins The World Trade Centers Association

Business advisory Doing business

What is The World Trade Centers Association ?

WTC association is a global brand gathering more than 15,000 WTC professionals around 90 countries. Its purpose is to gather many businesses together in order to set up trades and cooperations.

The Association of World Trade Centers offers trade and investment opportunities for different types of promoters: trade, economic development agencies or international businesses. This association allows them to connect globally and prosper locally.

How does TGS Global benefit from this membership?

TGS applied to this association in order to get in touch with many other trustworthy companies. Reversely, firms will see TGS as a reliable company to work with.

The whole association relies on the sharing of the best practices and experiences of its members. In this virtuous circle, the more members there are, the more the association grows, which goes to the advantage of its members, most of whom will strengthen the knowledge and practices of their counterparts. Each member aspires to grow locally but through a global cooperation in an international ecosystem.

To sum up, the benefits for international business are:

  • A prestigious brand
  • A global network
  • Iconic properties
  • Integrated trade services
Our association serves as an 'international ecosystem' of global connections, iconic properties, and integrated trade services under the umbrella of a prestigious brand.

WTC Association

Find out how to be part of this association is good for your business.

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