
TGS Digested Week 22: Leverage your brand and investment opportunities

Doing business

Monday 2021.5.31

New TGS brand manual for 2021

We have a small orange square with rounded sides and three white letters inside: t,g, and s. It’s a small item but carries a huge meaning. In psychological terms, the color orange is a mix of energetic red and happy yellow. Orange can be used to represent enthusiasm, fascination, creativity, determination, success, encouragement, and stimulation and that’s the driving attitude of the TGS network. 

Our TGS square does not have sharp edges and this nuanced design reflects the care TGS members take to create a positive influence on the environments we operate in. Like a pebble rounded with years of traveling in rivers, TGS is rounded with the hundreds of combined years of professional experience our member firms offer their clients. 

We created the TGS network in 2012 because no existing international network offered what you (entrepreneurial firms) needed to succeed in the coming years. TGS is different from more traditional networks and is:

  • Transparent: Membership fees and regulations are clear, members can own shares in the network, and are deciders in the strategic direction.
  • Focused on Sustainable Development: TGS is an active participant in the United Nations Global Compact and is becoming a leader in non-financial auditing.
  • Collegial: Very high-quality standards among member firms guaranteed through a rigorous quality program. 

TGS is a young global network of proactive, internationally-minded accounting, audit, tax, legal, and business advisory firms. We currently have members in over 70 countries and there is still an opportunity to be the unique TGS firm in Austria, Vietnam, and Finland

You may not be aware but TGS offers a ‘Finder’s Fee‘ for any member that joins the network following a referral from one of our existing members. So, if you know of a high-quality accounting, auditing, tax, a legal or advisory firm that could be a TGS member, make an introduction and you will receive a 2K Euro thank you from TGS if that firm joins our network.

Tuesday 2021.6.1

Shared Services Accountability Session 3

Many thanks to all who participated in today’s workshop. As always there were some really strong ideas..and it’s time to take the next step even if you don’t feel you are ready. I think it was the late Ayrton Senna who said that if you are completely in control then you’re not going fast enough. The same holds for entrepreneurial action and if you wait till you are completely ready, it will be too late! Take the next step in the creation of your TGS Shared Service today.

Next Step

Please take your phone and record a 60-second video of yourself describing your Shared Service idea. Send it to me and I will share it with Heather. Don’t worry if it’s a garbled mess and makes little sense. We will help you make this first draft a shiny, beautiful, and persuasive service pitch. Try to answer these three simple questions:

  • What is your service?
  • Who is your service for?
  • What are the 3 main advantages of using your service?

Revise the TGS Shared Services Concept by reading this article on the MyTGShub.

👉 Register in advance for the next Shared Services Accountability meeting on Jul 6, 2021, 02:00 PM CEST with this link: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIlcumtrD4oGtcuGgx8NKhLHh9a5Z67HBvF

Last year’s Shared Services

TGS Global organized this short online event in 2020 for members to discover what Shared Services their TGS colleagues were preparing. You will find out more (and quickly) about what services are being developed and shared within the network. Perhaps you will use one of these services or maybe this service will be suitable for your market. Maybe your clients will be interested in this service or perhaps the service will provide you with inspiration for your own shared service. 

2020 Shared Services

Digital transformation consulting: PGK Consultores, ARGENTINA

MindMapping & Communication: Athena, ITALY

Added Human Value & Franchising: TGS France, FRANCE



Digital Audit: TGS Edisa, SPAIN

Super App Platform: TGS Nortex, CHINA

Content Creation: AU & Partners, INDONESIA

iGaming: Nouv MT, MALTA

Business Process Outsourcing: HmAC Chartered Accountants, BANGLADESH

🎥 You can watch the 2020 TGS Shared Service Livestream Pitch Event here

Wednesday 2021.6.2 

TGS Communication Webinar

How to Livestream to YouTube and LinkedIn from Zoom.

Zoom is a great communication tool and we have been getting better and better with video-conferencing over the last few years. We talked last week about whether it was better to have full-online meetings even when hybrid meetings were a possibility.  I think when some colleagues are in the office and some colleagues are WFH (Working From Home) it’s better if everyone participates online. 

Online video-conferencing is also a great tool for webinars but you don’t always have to use your conferencing platform for the webinar event itself. Sometimes in TGS, we host a webinar, with a Zoom meeting containing our speakers and we then stream that meeting to YouTube and LinkedIn. Participants can still ask questions as if they were in a webinar and we have the advantage of reaching a much wider audience. 

Watch our short video on MyTGSHub about how we stream our live events on our TGS YouTube channel and on our TGS LinkedIn page. Have a go at doing this yourself and please, ask us questions where you find difficulties. You might not get it right the first time and if you do have trouble, we have already made the mistakes you will make. Just ask!

👉 Sign up for the next TGS Communication webinar, July 8th 2 PM CEST, on TGS U

Thursday 2021.6.3

Doing Business In…

As you might have seen, at TGS we organize ‘Doing business in’ webinars where we promote investment opportunities across the world, all the most attractive leading sectors today and for the following years, Tax updates, R&D incentives… This is a new 2021 project that we have started from the beginning of the year, and we have already co-organized two webinars; in March, it was a ‘Doing business in Thailand’ with Thai TGS member firm, BizWings. This week, we also published a ‘Doing business in Thailand’ article following the webinar, you can read it by clicking here

In April,  we help with a very popular webinar about ‘Doing business in South Korea’ with the French Korean Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FKCCI). Do not hesitate to watch the replays on our YouTube channel, the contents are very interesting and the speakers deliver real professional expertise

This is just the beginning of our webinar series.  Today, we e-traveled to Italy because…on June 23rd, we will co-host a ‘Doing business in Italy’ with our TGS member firms Lance Audit and Athena. Our Italian members are very motivated to share information about new incentives for businesses to set up and work in Italy, R&D, Tax credits, and much more. So, entrepreneurs, investors, or whoever you are, if you are interested in the key success factors to succeed when doing business in Italy, save the date. 

And when you think it’s over, well, there are still more to come. This Thursday, we met with the development team at the Government body, ‘Scottish Enterprise’ to organize a ‘Doing business in Scotland’ webinar where we will explore the leading industry sectors, investment opportunities in 2021, VISA issues, overcoming potential business administration bottlenecks and everything else you will need to know before expanding your business to Scotland.

You will find more information about all our upcoming webinars on our social media.

Friday 2021.6.4

TGS Expertise

TGS Tax First

TGS firms are generally not big either in the sense of ‘Big 4’ or in terms of many employees and this means they are often operating with no dedicated Business Development team. I heard it put well recently that most partners in our TGS member firms are the CEO of their firm: Chief Everything Officer. It’s a good idea, then, for our TGS CEOs to share their time and expertise to work on business development strategies together. This is a very clever way to mutualize group resources and benefit from our shared brand, client experience, and network effect

Tax expertise and global tax compliance are often the ‘point of the spear’ to reach other professional services such as accounting, auditing, legal and advisory services. We have been working on our shared vision of TGS tax services and are planning to launch a TGS Tax First group and will be launching invites soon for a TGS Tax First Whiteboard Session to brainstorm the way forward. 

Our TGS Tax First Whiteboard Session session will take place sometime soon after the 15th of June and if you know you’d like to be involved please reach out to share your interest. I will be reaching out to our members in the ‘top 15’ to establish our ‘laundry list’ of TGS tax services.

We all have experience of the life-cycle of a foreign company going to any other country and they follow similar bottlenecks and tax issues. We will begin discussing these issues with the ‘top 15’ TGS member countries that generate the most cross-border activity. The countries that generate the most cross-border referral work by region are Brazil, Canada, Mexico, and the United States. France, Germany, India, Italy, Russia, Spain, and the UK. Australia, China, Japan, and Korea. This is our starting point for countries to lead the effort in generating cross-border referrals 🚀🌍.

💡 The most important aspect of our TGS Tax First Whiteboard session is to agree on the strategy of who we want to work with regardless of the country. Which industries? What size of firms?

Would you like to explore how TGS membership could benefit your firm?

Schedule a meeting with Andrew

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