
TGS Shared Services Salon 2021

Business advisory

Shared Services Salon 1 in Singapore (November 2019)

We had an accountability call recently for our members who are involved in the Shared Services Program and it was great. We even had new members join who didn’t even have an offering yet and it made us realise: these sessions are incredibly valuable to any one of our TGS members. If you’ve heard of our shared services program but you haven’t got involved yet, here’s why you should (even if you don’t have an offering).

Why get involved in the shared services program?

If you read our most recent blog “Why get involved in the Shared Services Program 2021?“ you’ll know the benefits of getting involved.

The Shared Services Program specifically educates members on how to share their services across the network, resulting in a win for their clients, a win for their firm, and a win for the other members of the network.

As well as learning how to make a new service profitable, members also benefit from international reach. Not only do they generate international business, but they can also offer this value to their clients too.

Why get involved in the accountability calls (even if you don’t have an offering)?

After the initial Shared Services presentation, members partake in a series of accountability calls throughout the year to help them take action and move their ideas forward.

Typically, these are 30-minute calls with advice on progress made and coaching through the next steps.

Members are asked: what is your service offering, how far have you moved it forward, and what challenges have you got that you’d need help with today to take it to the next level?

The aim of these accountability calls is to move members forward so even if you haven’t made progress since the last meeting or you don’t have an offering yet, you should get involved. In these sessions, you can fine-tune your idea, move forward one step or even find your idea!

Watch our second accountability call for 2021 here!

Hear what our members have to say…

WTP Advisors: a U.S. member who is in the advanced stages of promoting a shared service

What is your shared service?
We are organising a global transfer pricing network to help companies who trade globally to maximise their taxable profit. Transfer pricing is the number one international issue for these companies

Why are you taking part in the shared services program?
We want to provide clients with an alternative to Big 4 firms. A shared service will be a way to offer extra value and compete with the bigger firms.
In addition, we want to participate in this program to give and receive referrals.

What do you hope to get out of the sessions?
Currently, we have a slide deck summarising the global transfer pricing network and we’ve scheduled a webinar with Quantera Global. We need help with marketing our webinar via TGS channels and also with our process. Is our slide deck sufficient and how can we create a process to keep this type of business going?

How is it going so far?
Great! We are making some good progress. We just need to figure out how other TGS members can help us promote this service.

What are your next steps?
To work with TGS on our slide deck and the marketing for our webinar. We need to meet with the Latin American/European regional groups to create promotional material.


A shared service will be a way to offer extra value and compete with the bigger firms

Guy Sanschagrin- Managing Partner, WTP Advisors

Bevan Kidwell: a U.K. member who doesn’t know what their service offering is yet

What is your shared service?
I am in the progress of figuring out exactly what it is. As a law firm/solicitors, we help accountants acquire business in the U.K., so I need to identify where the opportunities are to make this bigger.

Why are you taking part in the shared services program?
Primarily business generation. I signed up because I liked the idea of sharing services, increasing revenue, and getting to know other TGS members.

What do you hope to get out of the sessions?
Inspiration! It’s very useful listening to what others are offering and this can spark new ideas for me.

How is it going so far?
It definitely has potential but it’s very difficult to invest the time needed to build and nurture a new service. The accountability sessions should help with that though.

What are your next steps?
To really think about what I can offer as a shared service. And (as per the advice from this session), go and talk to the rest of the legal services committee to help with this. They can brainstorm with me and help identify growth opportunities.

I liked the idea of sharing services, increasing revenue, and getting to know other TGS members.

Jean Bevan - Managing Partner, Bevan Kidwell

Join the next shared services event!

Whether it’s an accountability call or the Shared Services presentation at the start of the year, get involved! As you can see from our members, even if you don’t have a service offering yet, you can get inspired and learn a lot from other members and how they are successful in sharing their services across the network.

If you want to make your referral business structured and deliberate rather than ad hoc or if you want to move one step forward with your shared service and projects, sign up for our next event now! It doesn’t matter if you’re advanced in your journey or if you’re right at the very start and it doesn’t matter if you missed the initial Shared Services presentation.

The second TGS Shared Services Salon is part of TGS Month this November.

Sign up here for our next Shared Services Event

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