
TGS Digested Week 25: imagining the future of a unified TGS international audit service

Business advisory TGS U
TGS Digested Week

Monday 21/06/2021

TGS Audit Committee

The TGS Audit Committee meets once a month to work on shared projects, to share information and to imagine the future of international audit service provision. This month TGS Saudi Arabia presented why they chose Caseware and how they are using it for their audit work. They also shared a roadmap of how TGS might work towards a unified audit program. 

Edwin and Francis gave short and informative presentations about the audit environment in Ghana and Guatemala where the Big 4 tend to dominate the market. In both markets the firms are winning business with the support of TGS as a global brand as clients look for new ways to carry out audits, to save money but without giving up on quality. Firms in Guatemala and Ghana are Thinking Global Sustainability. 

You can read the full summary on the MyTGSHub Audit Committee Workspace.

Tuesday 22/06/2021

TGS International Business Coordinators Meeting

IBCs are an important part of life in the TGS network. The IBC is the ‘International Business Coordinator’ and they are the first point of contact you will need if you have a referral. For example in Italy you will. 

TGS team member, Sophie Cartalier does an excellent job of following referral business between the members (and reminding everyone to use the TGS online portal to share and declare referrals). We are currently revamping this system to make it easier to track referral work you send and receive to other network members – so that’s something to look out for. 

TGS IBCs meet with Sophie once a month to talk through issues and to workshop how to increase referral business across the network. The more connections you have in the network, the more referral business you will generate and the monthly  IBC meetings are an excellent way to develop your ‘Power Network’ within the network. 

This month’s IBC meet included the IBC league tables which are more exciting than the Euro 2020 football competition and you can read the full results on the TGS private intranet, MyTGSHub. 

Wednesday 23/06/2021

TGS Doing Business In Italy

Yesterday, we had our latest ‘Doing Business in’ Webinar co-hosted with our Italian members, Lance Audit and Athena Law. We would like to thank Simone Bonassi, Alberto Cantarello and Giovanni Lorato for their great expertise in this very informative and insightful webinar about doing business in Italy. They gave us a lot of relevant details regarding the difference between exports and imports, the Sustainable development, Research & Development and VISAs for working in Italy. The section on sustainable development was accompanied by a case study, which made it very concrete. Indeed, Lance Audit gave us an example of work with Metka and Sun energy. 

In other words, Italy is good for your brand and has got a highly skilled and competitive workforce. Plus, tax credits are very generous particularly for sustainable development projects. Not just a bonus but a superbonus of 110%. Sustainability, Reputation, Quality and Effectiveness: for the place, for the companies and for the network. 

If you want to grow your business in Italy, you may need help with the tax authorities. In that case, don’t hesitate to reach out with TGS. It is always very important to get expertise from Italian lawyers, auditors or financial advisors to avoid any risks while setting up your company

If you missed the webinar, you can catch up on the replay on the TGS Youtube channel. An article will be also available soon to summarise all the benefits that investors can benefit from.  Stay tuned, more “TGS Doing Business in” are in preparation and will come soon. It will be a chance for you to learn more about how to invest in a lot of different areas. 

Thursday 24/06/2021

TGS CSR Monthly Webinar

TGS puts sustainability and CSR at the core of its values and strategy (for the record, the name stands for Think Global Sustainability). It is therefore only natural that TGS decided to become a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact.

The TGS CSR group meets once every two months with TGS team member, Marcela Vargas, to discuss the best ways to create your CSR plan and how to use this to your firm’s best advantage for sustainable growth and development

Has your firm nominated a CSR representative? If you have not done so already please share the contact details of your CSR manager with Marcela and make sure they sign up for the regular TGS CSR Webinars.

Friday 25/06/2021

TGS Still Walking Round the World

‘TGS Walks Round the Word’ is an online/in-real-life challenge to walk a combined 40 000km – the distance to circumnavigate the globe. You don’t even have to be a TGS member to take part…it’s open to everyone and we’ll be delighted to have you walk with us! TGS Walks Round the World  is good for the planet (everyone donates £5 to the WWF, does not fly to a conference and perhaps also uses their car slightly less in their home city)

TGS Walks Around the World is  good for our teams (taking time to walk with your team creates a great connection and can even make you healthier and more productive.) TGS Walks Round the World is good for the image of our network and makes new friends (TGS stands for Think Global Sustainability so we’re putting our words into physical action and we’re reaching out to our contacts to join with us and participate.)

Please sign up and take part and share some photos with us of where you walk. 

Sign up to the TGS Youtube channel.

More information about everything on TGS Live on our TGS website and on our TGS Hub

Would you like to explore how TGS membership could benefit your firm?

Schedule a meeting with Andrew

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