
TGS business development opportunity: Doing business in the Netherlands

Business advisory Doing business Europe

Is my Dutch business partner being rude to me? 

Probably not. Dutch business communications can be straight-talking and direct. Your Dutch associate may appear sharp from your perspective but they are simply expressing opinions in a way that fits their culture…and these are opinions that will help your business success in the Netherlands. 

This was the topic of our free, straight-talking, TGS Business Development Opportunity Webinar, Doing Business In the Netherlands on Tuesday 27th September, 4pm CEST. 

Vermetten joined TGS to help their international clients and help their local clients go international and they can help your firm do Dutch. 



We are doing more business in the Netherlands 

“We noticed a few years ago that more and more of our client wanted to do business abroad. 

They wanted to open a new location or collaborate with a foreign manufacturer but this entails various cross-border issues.

We could not tackle all these sometimes complex issues on our own and required the help of local accountancy firms in the target countries. Watch our video to find out more how we can help you do business in the Netherlands. ” 

Ruud van Zijl, Accountant and Entrepreneur, TGS member firm, Vermetten. 



The TGS network has all the expertise you need to do business in the Netherlands

We knew it would be a good idea for our firm to join an international network for audit, accountancy, advisory, tax and legal firms. They joined TGS in 2012. 

To become a member of TGS, we had to meet strict quality requirements which reassures our international clients about the quality of our work. 

TGS had ten members in 2012 and now the network has more than 60 international members, including offices in China, India, Mexico, America, Ghana, Germany, Belgium and France (our main trading parters). 

Every continent is represented in the network and there are two offices in the Netherlands.



The TGS network also helps Dutch clients work with the rest of the world

Members of the TGS network can support foreign entrepreneurs who want to do business in the Netherlands. They can also help Dutch entrepreneurs who want to do business abroad. 

In cross-border cases, we provide advice and take on a variety of accountancy tasks. We relieve the entrepreneur of their worries.

If a Dutch entrepreneur wants to open a new business location in Spain, we will work with the Spanish accountancy firm that is affiliated with TGS Network. This Spanish firm can then handle many of the financial, legal and fiscal issues for the entrepreneur. They’ll help the entrepreneur with the start-up of a local company, payroll administration, drawing up annual accounts, tax returns and more. 

All complicated or risky matters associated with doing international business can be taken care of with quality-assured TGS member firms who will hold your hand in all the stages of business set up, registration, compliance, reporting and sustainable development. 



Doing business in the Netherlands could be a solution to your international business issues

TGS member firms can support you expanding your activities abroad. International business can be a risk but with TGS it’s a risk taken with care and experience. 

TGS members have know-how in international business and their affiliation with TGS allows you to work with renowned accounting firms around the world. 

We will be happy to explore the various possibilities of working in the Netherlands with you in a personal meeting.



Frequently asked questions: Doing business in the Netherlands

  • Why should you think about doing business in the Netherlands?
  • What challenges will my business face working in the Netherlands?
  • How long does it take to obtain permits for my kind of business in the Netherlands?
  • Are there any regions of the Netherlands that are better for my kind of business? 
  • What are the legal structures available in the Netherlands and how can I select the right one?
  • What is the local tax rate?
  • Will language be a problem? 
  • How much will it cost me to rent real estate for my business in the Netherlands? 
  • Are there any interesting tax relief of government subsidies that might help my business in the Netherlands? 
  • Can I send staff from my country or is it better to employ local Dutch nationals to work in my Netherlands business? 
  • What strategic partnerships and trade agreements do the Netherlands have with other countries? 


Find the answers to these questions by watching the presentation

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