
Mastering Personal Productivity: Strategies for Effective Delegation, Energy Management, and Time Mastery

Business advisory

Jason Langford-Brown

Jason Langford-Brown hosted a webinar for TGSU called “Boost Your Personal Productivity”. Here’s what you need to know!

In today’s fast-paced business landscape, personal productivity stands as a cornerstone of success. The ability to efficiently manage tasks, energy, and time can propel individuals and organizations toward their goals. We delve into the realms of personal productivity, exploring strategies for effective delegation, energy management, and time mastery. Let’s break down the key elements that contribute to an optimal workflow.

Delegation: Empowering Success

Delegation can often be hindered by various barriers. Trust issues, skill gaps, resource constraints, inexperience, and an external locus of control are typical obstacles that can hold back effective delegation. However, embracing strategic approaches can mitigate these challenges and enhance your delegation skills.

Strategies for Improved Delegation

  1. Feedback, Coaching, and Mentoring (20%): Regularly engaging with colleagues, team members, and mentors can provide valuable insights into effective delegation techniques. Constructive feedback and coaching sessions facilitate growth and refine delegation strategies.
  2. On-the-Job Experience (70%): Real-world tasks and challenges serve as the best teachers. Embracing responsibilities and tackling issues head-on offer firsthand lessons in delegation and decision-making.
  3. Training (10%): Participating in workshops, online courses, and reading materials dedicated to delegation can equip you with the necessary knowledge and skills for successful task distribution.

Energizing Productivity: Balancing Energy

Energy management plays a pivotal role in sustaining productivity. To maximize energy levels and maintain a well-rounded life, it’s essential to balance various aspects of your personal and professional life.

The Wheel of Life

Balancing different life dimensions such as business, finance, family, health, leisure, growth, friends, and contribution ensures that your energy is distributed optimally. A harmonious life balance positively impacts your productivity.

Identifying Energy Vampires

  • The Interrogator: Recognize and deflect questions aimed at putting you on the defensive.
  • The Intimidator: Stand firm against bullies who drain your energy with negativity.
  • The Poor Me: Avoid excessive sympathy seekers who can sap your vitality.
  • The Aloof: Recognize those who expect you to initiate interactions; manage your energy wisely.

Mastering Time: The Art of Prioritization

Effective time management revolves around prioritization. Creating a streamlined task list and following a structured approach can significantly boost your productivity.

The 5-Step Prioritization Framework

  1. Clarity of Inputs: Define objectives, goals, KPIs, OKRs, and dreams. Categorize tasks into Disciplines/BAU, Projects/Tasks, and Others.
  2. Filter: Eliminate non-essential tasks and focus on high-impact activities.
  3. Consolidated Prioritized Task List: Create a comprehensive, ranked list of tasks.
  4. Integration into Schedule: Seamlessly incorporate tasks into your daily schedule.
  5. Personal Tactics & Mechanisms: Develop strategies that work best for your personal productivity style.

Cultivating Discipline for Effective Time Management

  • Establish Goals Linked to Dreams: Strong goals provide the foundation for disciplined time management.
  • Understand the Biological Aspect: Your brain responds positively to well-defined goals.
  • Schedule Everything: Embrace “Time Boxing” to allocate specific time blocks for tasks, enhancing focus and efficiency.

Maximizing Time Utilization: Secrets of Successful Leaders

  • Start Early: Utilize the morning hours for heightened speed, creativity, and quality.
  • Fixed Schedule: Achieve significant results by accomplishing tasks during concentrated work hours.
  • Effective Use of Personal Assistants (PAs): Differentiate between a secretary, PA, and EA, leveraging their roles to optimize productivity.

The RAFT Model: Managing Priorities with Precision

  • Refer: Delegate tasks with clear instructions, ensuring efficient information transfer.
  • Act: Segregate daily tasks into <5-minute and >5-minute categories for streamlined execution.
  • File: Store relevant information for future reference, maintaining an organized digital footprint.
  • Toss: Discard unnecessary items, decluttering your workspace and digital environment.


Mastering personal productivity is an ongoing journey that requires the implementation of effective strategies across delegation, energy management, and time mastery. By embracing these techniques, individuals can unlock their full potential, achieve greater balance, and make strides toward their personal and professional goals. Remember, the path to success is paved with deliberate choices that prioritize efficiency, energy, and effective time utilization.

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