
Unlocking Global Growth: Key Insights from the TGS Regional Conferences 2024


TGS members in Asia Pacific, Singapore ’24 conference

The TGS regional conferences, held in Marrakech, Costa Rica, and Singapore, highlighted the immense value of being part of an international network. Here are the key takeaways from our 2024 events, showcasing the benefits and opportunities for professional service firms within the TGS network.

The Power of Networking and Presentations

Our regional conferences underscored the strength of our network, with each firm presenting effectively. A standout was the A-team’s one-page presentation, setting a high standard for all (look at The A Team one-pager here).

Networking within TGS is not just productive but also enjoyable. Our members find immense value in dynamic interactions, the pleasure of collaboration, and the joy of working with like-minded professionals.

TGS Haoxin’s Maggie explains what an auditor is

Knowledge Sharing and Continuous Learning

The TGS network thrives on sharing knowledge and expertise. Mature firms excel by teaching others, fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement. The success of our members is a testament to the power of collaboration.

Addressing Challenges and Offering Solutions

Despite our successes, we recognize the challenges our members face. Attracting both staff and clients remains a significant hurdle. Our conferences emphasized the need for a balanced approach to training, combining technical skills (generally provided by local institutes) with more universal ‘soft’ and advisory skills requiring practical experience from the network itself. More details on training are available at TGSU.

We are also enhancing our membership process to add more value. By integrating free advisory services as part of the TGS admission process, we ensure a seamless onboarding experience that leverages our advisory tools for maximum benefit.

TGS Africa Development Strategy group in Marrakech

Regional and Global Initiatives

One standout initiative discussed was the exchange program memorandum for Africa. This program aims to strengthen ties and foster collaboration across the continent, providing immense value to our members.

We also explored the importance of leveraging the TGS brand to grow with purposeful strategy and leverage. Our goal is to ensure that every member maximizes their potential by utilizing the collective strength of the TGS network.

The TGS brand is registered and protected globally. TGS member firms can also become shareholders in the network, placing them in the unique position of owning a top 25 international network.

Strategic Africa Business Development

Developing business in Africa requires a strategic approach. Our Africa Summary emphasized the importance of communication through websites, brochures, and events. Targeting clients, industries, and services effectively, along with identifying regional leaders, is crucial for sustainable growth.

TGS distinguishes itself from the Big 4 by focusing on sustainability and ethical practices, ensuring that our network’s growth is both responsible and impactful.

Gain an unfair advantage in your fair valuations. TGS member Siong Yoong introduces members to his tool, WACCFINDER

Lessons from Expert Speakers

The wisdom shared by our speakers provided invaluable insights. From simplifying processes and focusing on what truly matters to turning information into actionable results, our members left with practical strategies to implement in their firms.

Our special interest workgroups—Audit, The Future of Accounting, Tax & Legal—are essential for attracting and retaining talent while improving operational efficiency.

The TGS Quality Program, with its risk-based approach, ensures that our members stay ahead of industry standards.

With a focus on collaboration, continuous learning, and strategic growth, TGS offers professional service firms inspiration, visibility, friendship, ideas, community, and regional knowledge.


Bring your firm to our global event in Nice, France this November

If you would like to participate in the next TGS event in Nice from November 6th to 8th, please reach out to Andrew or Sophie. We’ll be delighted to hear from you!

The TGS network, though young, is rich with opportunities and is the ideal place for firms looking to grow and succeed globally.

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