
Unlocking AI’s Potential: Highlights from the Latest TGS Webinar

Technology TGS U

In a recent webinar, TGS member firms explored how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can transform content creation, automate routine tasks, and streamline business operations.

Rodolphe, CEO of tech firm Iterates, led a session into AI’s real-world applications—ranging from blog generation and chatbot implementation to automating social media posts.
For those who couldn’t attend, here’s a quick overview of the key insights and discussions.

Vitamin AI: A Game-Changer for Business Productivity

Rodolphe introduced Vitamin AI, a tool developed internally by his company to enhance productivity and support skill acquisition across various departments.
Built with security at its core, Vitamin AI ensures companies can manage and store their data safely, making it an ideal tool for firms with strict privacy needs, such as accounting and auditing firms.
The tool is designed to create tailored knowledge bases, helping different departments access relevant information easily.
Rodolphe showcased its functionality, demonstrating how Vitamin AI allows businesses to manage documents efficiently, providing employees with a comprehensive, up-to-date information system.

Streamlining Knowledge Sharing with AI

One of the standout features of Vitamin AI is its knowledge base tool. This tool, if updated daily, offers businesses the ability to automate routine tasks such as Q&A handling or onboarding processes.
Its adaptability and customization make it particularly useful for managing high volumes of queries and employee training.
TGS participants appreciated the tool’s potential for onboarding and internal knowledge sharing, recognizing its advanced research capabilities.

Automating Meetings and Summarizations

In today’s fast-paced business environment, manually transcribing and summarizing meetings can be time-consuming.
Vitamin AI provides a solution: automated meeting transcription and summarization. Rodolphe demonstrated how this tool can effortlessly generate detailed meeting reports, offering a convenient way to share information across teams.
Notably, this tool could also build knowledge bases for specific individuals or teams, aiding in employee handovers or exit processes.

Expanding AI’s Role in Content Creation

AI is poised to reshape how firms create and distribute content.
Rodolphe outlined how Vitamin AI can be used to generate multilingual blog posts and social media content. The tool is capable of tailoring content to suit different audiences and tones of voice, expanding the firm’s reach.
Rodolphe emphasized the efficiency of AI in creating LinkedIn posts, with TGS participants noting that some of their VitaminAI-generated content outperformed their usual posts, receiving greater engagement.

VitaminAI is currently available for TGS Members at a 30% discount

Get your access code here

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