
My experience as an intern at TGS

Doing business Social responsibility

Catarina Melo Gomes, intern with TGS Global

How did you get to be an intern with TGS Poitiers?

I did my internship at TGS Poitiers with my classmate Joshua because our school recommended it to us due to its international influence, and international influence means speaking English every day. 

What did you do during your internship period?

Contrary to what we thought, we have been very active and helpful. Unfortunately, our internship being of short duration, we were not able to participate in long-term projects but we still had several missions such as taking care of the organization, prospecting new potential members, working on the network development strategy and so on. Moreover, we also had the opportunity to work for the April Fools’ Day project. It was a real fun team project in which we were fully involved both writing and performing in the video!   

I highly recommend working as an intern with TGS as it is rewarding in all areas.

Catarina Melo Gomes

Did you only work from home or could you work at the office? 

Given the pandemic situation, I worked from home 3 times a week and 2 days a week at the office. One of my classmates and I had the chance to be accepted as interns, and we were also lucky to work with another intern, Justine. She has been working with the TGS Global team since early January 2021, so she helped us during our time here. What is great at TGS is there are quite a lot of interns in accounting and legal services as well, making the workplace a lovely and lively place. 

Has covid changed the way you work?

As we had to work 3 days a week from home, we learned how to be very independent and autonomous. However, even if we were working from home, we caught up every day with the team and our supervisor, Andrew, was available at any time to help us and answer our questions. Yet, I have to tell that I prefer the days when we could work in offices every day for social contact. Sometimes, sharing ideas with your teammates is easier in a face-to-face meeting. At least, Zoom has no more secrets for me and I am now an expert in video-conferencing!

What did you think of this experience and would you recommend it?

My school recommended TGS and I fully understood why they did. My internship experience turned out to be an incredible and very enriching experience. It’s a place where working together and moving forward together take on real meaning. The TGS Global team was very present for us and integrated us quickly into the team and the projects even if we were working with TGS only for 4 weeks. Beyond all that, we acquired new notions about international development, as well as practising English.

Working in an international company is such a great opportunity, really different from studying at school, and this experience was completely in line with my professional ambition. I highly recommend this experience as it is rewarding in all areas.

Contact us to apply for an internship with TGS Global

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