DBA Australia

DBA Advisory Pty Ltd (DBA) is a company registered in the state of New South Wales (NSW) in Australia. DBA is also a registered Tax Agent and an Australian Securities and Exchange (ASIC) agent.

DBA Australia

Suite 401, Level 4, 68 York St, Sydney NSW 2000

DBA is a premium professional services outsourcing company based in Australia and the Philippines (DBAG). Their vision is to become the leading true values-based professional services provider in the Asia-Pacific Region, recognised for sustainable innovative and technology-driven processes.

Guided by strong core values, the services DBA offers their clients worldwide encompass business, knowledge, and creative process outsourcing. DBA provides the right mix of consulting, accounting, taxation, legal, financial planning, facilities management, technology, and creative services—at a reasonable price.

DBA’s team of multidisciplinary professionals are equipped with an extensive knowledge of technological innovations, thus enabling them to provide a wide range of multi-industry processes. With their combined experience, diverse skills, and niche expertise, DBA can maximise their people’s potential in the global market and deliver scalable long-term business solutions.


Darlow Parazo






Per capita GDP







Key Management and many of DBA’s staff are full members and affiliates of the following professional organizations:

  • Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia
  • Certified Financial Planner Board (USA)
  • Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants
  • Law Society of New South Wales (Australia)
  •  Integrated Bar of the Philippines
  • Tax Institute of Australia
  • ASEAN Federation of Accountants
  • Microsoft Partner Engineers (Enterprise Software Engineers)


  • Audit and Assurance
  • Tax Compliance and Accounting
  • Financial Planning
  • Legal ServicesReconstruction and Advisory
  • IT and Administration
  • Facilities management
  • Change Management
  • Creative Services